When considering workplace giving, choosing the Grief Centre is a decision that resonates with every employee. Loss is a universal experience, touching the lives of everyone at some point, whether through the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, job transitions, or significant life changes. By partnering with the Grief Centre, your company demonstrates a deep understanding of the challenges every person faces throughout their lives and provides invaluable support for navigating these difficult times.
Here's how it works:
Employees can contribute a small portion of their pre-tax salary to the Grief Centre and receive immediate tax benefits. Employers can match these donations, boosting engagement, retention, productivity, reputation, and social impact. It’s a win-win!
The funds we receive will be put towards:
Subsidised counselling sessions
Support groups
Loss and grief resources
Mental well-being awareness
Together, we can make a real difference in each person's journey through loss and grief.
To find out more about how you can get involved and support the Grief Centre contact Funding Manager Jemma Hoyle on funding@griefcentre.org.nz